Regulated entities in designated communities — compiled and termed the “Consistently Nominated AB 617 Communities list” — will want to pay close attention to updates from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on its Community Protection Program Blueprint 2.0. Currently, communities in the Bay Area, Imperial, San Joaquin Valley, Sacramento Metropolitan, and South Coast air districts are on the list. As part of a mandate to reduce toxic air contaminant and criteria pollutant emissions in communities that have a high cumulative exposure burden, CARB is updating the Program Blueprint 2.0 as required under Assembly Bill 617, adopted by the California Legislature July 26, 2017. CARB’s present revisions may result in increased investigation and enforcement of regulated entities in these communities. B. Boxerman B. Boxerman2023-08-03 16:05:282023-09-06 16:48:21Regulated Entities in California Communities May Face More Investigation and Enforcement by California Air Resources Board
On June 29, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a framework for its approach to reviewing new per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and significant new uses of existing PFAS. Stakeholders in sectors such as food packaging, textiles, semiconductors, and aerospace industries that continue to rely on PFAS compounds should take note. In general, EPA’s approval of new PFAS or new significant uses of existing PFAS may require additional testing — with substantial additional testing in some cases. B. Boxerman B. Boxerman2023-07-13 09:34:162023-09-06 16:52:02U.S. EPA Announces New Framework for Assessing New PFAS
On June 26, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency) announced via e-mail to its EJ ListServ the third update to its environmental justice (EJ) mapping and screening tool, EJSCREEN. EPA uses EJSCREEN to inform several Agency functions, including permitting, enforcement, outreach, and compliance. B. Boxerman B. Boxerman2023-06-29 12:12:132023-09-07 09:56:09U.S. EPA Updates Environmental Justice Mapping Tool for a Third Time: EJSCREEN 2.2
On June 22, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published a series of proposed rules pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (the Act), seeking to clarify or reverse implementing regulations issued in 2019 during the Trump administration. The agencies jointly proposed two rules—one revising Section 7 regulations, related to interagency consultations, and a second revising Section 4 regulations, related to listing decisions and critical habitat designations. The Fish and Wildlife Service independently proposed a third rule to reinstate the general application of “blanket rule” options for protecting newly listed threatened species pursuant to Section 4(d) of the Act. B. Boxerman B. Boxerman2023-06-27 16:08:392023-09-07 09:56:56U.S. Wildlife Agencies Propose Rules to Reinstate Longstanding Endangered Species Act Regulations
On June 13, 2023, the Biden administration released the 2023 Spring Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (Agenda). The Agenda lists federal agencies’ planned “short-term” regulatory actions to be taken over the next 12 months and “long-term” actions under development. The dates listed in the Agenda are based on publication dates in the Federal Register. Stakeholders should take note, as the Agenda provides a window into the administration’s priorities and strategies: B. Boxerman B. Boxerman2023-06-22 11:35:322023-09-07 10:00:00Spring 2023 Agenda Previews Continued U.S. Significant Environmental Regulatory Action
On June 7, 2023, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) published a request for information (RFI) in the Federal Register seeking input on its planned Ocean Justice Strategy (the “Strategy”). The RFI describes the Strategy as an effort to integrate environmental justice principles into ocean-related activities of the federal government. The Strategy could have wide-ranging impacts on the development of ocean energy resources. T. Carlson T. Carlson2023-06-13 09:01:222023-09-07 10:00:48White House Announces New ‘Ocean Justice Strategy’
On May 31, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule designed to tighten confidential business information (CBI) designations in submissions under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPA has touted this rule as providing “transparency” and providing the agency leeway to make “more health and safety data publicly available more quickly.” Given the sensitive nature of the data often provided in TSCA submission, regulated entities should carefully consider the provisions of the new rule and what steps they must take to ensure that confidential information is not subject to public disclosure. R. Morales R. Morales2023-06-08 15:06:312023-09-07 10:01:26U.S. EPA Finalizes Rule Limiting Confidentiality Designations Under the Toxic Substances Control Act
On May 30, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued for public comment its draft Critical Materials Assessment. In the draft assessment, DOE characterized 22 different materials as critical, near critical, or noncritical to the nation’s energy needs based on the importance of those materials to energy applications and supply risk. DOE uses its Critical Materials Assessment — which it anticipates updating every three years — to “prioritize research and development efforts to meet the nation’s energy needs while reducing reliance on materials with high supply risk.” DOE explained that inclusion of a material on the critical materials for energy list may inform critical minerals Research Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application (RDD&CA) Program priorities and eligibility for the Inflation Reduction Act Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Section 48C tax credits. Whitfield Whitfield2023-06-06 16:01:192023-09-07 10:01:56U.S. Department of Energy Releases Critical Materials Assessment for Public Comment
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Regulated Entities in California Communities May Face More Investigation and Enforcement by California Air Resources Board
Regulated entities in designated communities — compiled and termed the “Consistently Nominated AB 617 Communities list” — will want to pay close attention to updates from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on its Community Protection Program Blueprint 2.0. Currently, communities in the Bay Area, Imperial, San Joaquin Valley, Sacramento Metropolitan, and South Coast air districts are on the list. As part of a mandate to reduce toxic air contaminant and criteria pollutant emissions in communities that have a high cumulative exposure burden, CARB is updating the Program Blueprint 2.0 as required under Assembly Bill 617, adopted by the California Legislature July 26, 2017. CARB’s present revisions may result in increased investigation and enforcement of regulated entities in these communities.
Samuel B. Boxerman
Washington, D.C.
Maureen F. Gorsen
Century City
Marie E.A. Allison
U.S. EPA Announces New Framework for Assessing New PFAS
On June 29, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a framework for its approach to reviewing new per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and significant new uses of existing PFAS. Stakeholders in sectors such as food packaging, textiles, semiconductors, and aerospace industries that continue to rely on PFAS compounds should take note. In general, EPA’s approval of new PFAS or new significant uses of existing PFAS may require additional testing — with substantial additional testing in some cases.
Samuel B. Boxerman
Washington, D.C.
Marshall R. Morales
Jagdeep Singh
U.S. EPA Updates Environmental Justice Mapping Tool for a Third Time: EJSCREEN 2.2
On June 26, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency) announced via e-mail to its EJ ListServ the third update to its environmental justice (EJ) mapping and screening tool, EJSCREEN. EPA uses EJSCREEN to inform several Agency functions, including permitting, enforcement, outreach, and compliance.
Samuel B. Boxerman
Washington, D.C.
Nicole E. Noëlliste
Washington, D.C.
Brooklyn Hildebrandt
Los Angeles
U.S. Wildlife Agencies Propose Rules to Reinstate Longstanding Endangered Species Act Regulations
On June 22, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published a series of proposed rules pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (the Act), seeking to clarify or reverse implementing regulations issued in 2019 during the Trump administration. The agencies jointly proposed two rules—one revising Section 7 regulations, related to interagency consultations, and a second revising Section 4 regulations, related to listing decisions and critical habitat designations. The Fish and Wildlife Service independently proposed a third rule to reinstate the general application of “blanket rule” options for protecting newly listed threatened species pursuant to Section 4(d) of the Act.
Samuel B. Boxerman
Washington, D.C.
Peter Whitfield
Washington, D.C.
Brooklyn Hildebrandt
Los Angeles
Spring 2023 Agenda Previews Continued U.S. Significant Environmental Regulatory Action
On June 13, 2023, the Biden administration released the 2023 Spring Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (Agenda). The Agenda lists federal agencies’ planned “short-term” regulatory actions to be taken over the next 12 months and “long-term” actions under development. The dates listed in the Agenda are based on publication dates in the Federal Register. Stakeholders should take note, as the Agenda provides a window into the administration’s priorities and strategies:
Samuel B. Boxerman
Washington, D.C.
Brittany A. Bolen
Washington, D.C.
Rose Quam-Wickham
Washington, D.C.
White House Announces New ‘Ocean Justice Strategy’
On June 7, 2023, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) published a request for information (RFI) in the Federal Register seeking input on its planned Ocean Justice Strategy (the “Strategy”). The RFI describes the Strategy as an effort to integrate environmental justice principles into ocean-related activities of the federal government. The Strategy could have wide-ranging impacts on the development of ocean energy resources.
Greta T. Carlson
Samuel B. Boxerman
Washington, D.C.
U.S. EPA Finalizes Rule Limiting Confidentiality Designations Under the Toxic Substances Control Act
On May 31, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule designed to tighten confidential business information (CBI) designations in submissions under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPA has touted this rule as providing “transparency” and providing the agency leeway to make “more health and safety data publicly available more quickly.” Given the sensitive nature of the data often provided in TSCA submission, regulated entities should carefully consider the provisions of the new rule and what steps they must take to ensure that confidential information is not subject to public disclosure.
Marshall R. Morales
Jack Raffetto
Washington, D.C.
Samuel B. Boxerman
Washington, D.C.
U.S. Department of Energy Releases Critical Materials Assessment for Public Comment
On May 30, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued for public comment its draft Critical Materials Assessment. In the draft assessment, DOE characterized 22 different materials as critical, near critical, or noncritical to the nation’s energy needs based on the importance of those materials to energy applications and supply risk. DOE uses its Critical Materials Assessment — which it anticipates updating every three years — to “prioritize research and development efforts to meet the nation’s energy needs while reducing reliance on materials with high supply risk.” DOE explained that inclusion of a material on the critical materials for energy list may inform critical minerals Research Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application (RDD&CA) Program priorities and eligibility for the Inflation Reduction Act Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Section 48C tax credits.
Peter Whitfield
Washington, D.C.
Samuel B. Boxerman
Washington, D.C.
Brittany A. Bolen
Washington, D.C.
Jack Raffetto
Washington, D.C.
Upcoming Events
Sidley Partner Justin Savage to Co-Chair the 2025 Summit on EV Battery Supply Chain and Compliance
Sidley partner and Environmental practice co-leader Justin Savage will serve as co-chair for the upcoming Battery Supply Chain and Compliance Summit hosted by the American Conference Institute (ACI) on March 20, 2025 in Chicago, IL.
Meet The Team
Samuel B. Boxerman
Keturah A. Brown
Grace Dickson Gerbas
Terence T. Healey
Kenneth W. Irvin
Christopher J. Polito
Casey Khan
Michael L. Lisak
Brittany A. Bolen
Brooklyn Hildebrandt
Nicole E. Noëlliste
Hannah Posen
Jack Raffetto